Friday, January 13, 2012


     This morning I woke up to a story that made me outraged and want to cry. A close friend of an amazing group of people I know posted a horror story HERE of just how cruel and ridiculous police have become (and are getting away with it). There is a site where people are raising money for this poor dog called HELP ATHENA. All I can say is I hope she gets justice. 

     On a happier note I got some great results from my self portrait shoot today for my 365 project! Here are my favorites:
I ended up using this one for day 12. 

And this is my new profile picture. I love the softness and vintage look of it! 
And this one which Grant says my expression makes me look like a statue.

Oh and this is my newest head piece. I got the inspiration from a real flower crown I did for a friend's wedding. She designed it based off of an Alphonse Mucha.


  1. Alphonse Mucha is my all time favorite artist.

  2. Mine too! By the way, these pictures of you are the best yet. I love how romantic and vintage they look.
